Every Friday throughout the year the Merewether SLSC runs a meat raffle at The Beach Hotel (www.thebeachhotel.com.au) to raise money towards the assisting of ongoing surf club operations.
The Beach Hotel afilliation with MSLSC has been long standing and we thank the Owners and Operators for their continued committment with us.
Raffle sellers should meet at The Beach Hotel at approximately 5.30pm on their rostered day. The procedure for the Friday night Beach Hotel raffles follows. The prizes are:
Raffles tickets and other material can be found in the usual place downstairs in the cellar. Raffles can again be conducted in the same way as previously – tickets $1.00 each or seven tickets for $5.00.
Those Members and Supporters of MSLSC who’d like to help out can do so by emailing Club Secretary on secretary@merewetherslsc.com.au
Merewether Surf Life Saving Club has over 600 members, providing volunteer patrol services in aquatic.