Beach Safety

Merewether Beach Safety Advice

Beach Patrols

Merewether SLSC runs volunteer surf lifesaver patrols (yellow and red uniforms) at Merewether Beach on weekends and public holidays over the summer period from October to April between the hours of 9am and 5pm.

At other times, lifeguard patrols (white and navy uniforms) at Merewether Beach are run by the City of Newcastle.  Please refer to the City of Newcastle website for Lifeguard Patrol Times.

Both the Surf Club Lifesavers and Council Lifeguards use the yellow and red flags to display to the public the beach areas under supervision.

beach safety patrol
mslsc rescuer on the beach

Surf Safety

  • Always swim or surf at patrolled beaches
  • Swim between the red and yellow flags. They mark the safer area for swimming
  • Never swim, surf or fish alone
  • Read and obey the signs
  • Be aware of rip currents (know how to spot one and how to escape from one)
  • Don’t swim under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Never run or dive in the water, even if you have checked before as water conditions can change
  • If in doubt stay out
  • Seek advice from the lifesavers and lifeguards
  • You can access information on the BEACHSAFE website by clicking here.

Local Beach Advice

  • If you are unsure of your swimming ability in the surf, the safer environment of the Merewether Ocean Baths is only a short walk away.  Refer to the City of Newcastle website for Merewether Ocean Baths cleaning times.
  • Surfers and other fixed craft must always stay clear of the area between the flags – remember your equipment can become dangerous to swimmers when out of control
  • Bluebottle jellyfish occasionally visit Merewether beach – remove any tentacles with a gloved hand if you can then run under hot water (as hot as is comfortable) as soon as possible for 20 minutes.  Afterwards apply an ice pack to the affected areas to help with pain relief
  • The City of Newcastle has first aid facilities located in their patrol hut, located at the top of the beach access stairway just north of MSLS clubhouse
beach safety training ready