Training Courses

Merewether Training Courses

To watch a short video to see how much fun you can have click on play below.

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Bronze Medallion

Next Bronze course. To commence on the evening of Wednesday 25 September 2024 – a combined session with SRCs. Pre-requisite swim at Charlestown Swim Centre 8:30am on Sunday 29 September 2024.

The Bronze Medallion is recognised as the minimum standard for a qualified lifesaver. It will:

  • Cover the knowledge required for basic patrolling and surf awareness.
  • Provide you with the knowledge and skills to develop a level of judgement, technique and physical ability required to safely participate in surf lifesaving operations.
  • Enhance your fitness and your personal survival skills

Prerequisites for the course are:

  • Minimum 15 years old on date of final assessment
  • 400m pool swim in 9 minutes or better
  • Willing to volunteer to go on patrol at MSLSC

Click here to see the SLS data sheet for the Bronze Medallion course.

For more information please contact Anthony at email

Surf Rescue Certificate

The next SRC course will commence on the evening of Wednesday 25 September 2024 – a combined session with the Bronze participants. Pre-requisite swim at Charlestown Swim Centre 8:30am on Sunday 29 September 2024.

The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge of basic patrolling and surf awareness in order to be able to participate in lifesaving operations. This course is the minimum water safety qualification for Junior Activity supervision.

Prerequisites for the course are:

  • Minimum 13 years old on the date of final assessment
  • 200m pool swim in 5 minutes or better
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Radio Operator

MSLSC Radio Operator Course are run on an as needs basis.  You will complete the course in just one evening.

For more information please contact Anthony at email

First Aid

HLTAID011  The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge required to provide first aid response, life support, management of casualty(s), the incident and other first aiders until the arrival of medical or other assistance. This is the current government approved course and the general first aid course that employers in Australia require.  Participants will need to complete an on-line theory activity prior to attendance.

The course may be run over two evenings or over a full day.  Check the Training Courses Calendar under the Education tab for dates of the next course.

For more information please contact Anthony at email

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Advanced Resuscitation Techniques

HLTAID015  ART courses are run several times per season on an as needs basis.  They are usually run over a full day during a weekend.  Candidates will develop the skills and knowledge to:

  • Use oxygen and airway management devices.
  • Use automated external defibrillators (AEDs) during resuscitation.
  • Administer oxygen to conscious or unconscious breathing causalities.

This course is an important extension to the First Aid course and gives our people on the beach the competence and confidence to administer oxygen in emergency situation.

To register your interest or for more information please contact Anthony at email

Spinal Management

Spinal Management is now run as part of the Bronze Medallion course, rather than as a separate qualification.  It provides candidates with the skills and knowledge to manage injured casualties with suspected spinal injuries in an aquatic environment and in emergency situations.

This component of the Bronze course will include both theory and practical sessions with a spinal board, retrieving patients from the water.

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Silver Medallion Patrol Captains Course

The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills, knowledge and experience required to manage a lifesaving team in emergency and non-emergency situations.  It is mandatory for people wishing to become a Patrol Captain.

Participants must hold and be proficient in a Bronze Medallion and be a minimum of 17 years old.

These courses are run periodically throughout the season by the Hunter Surf Lifesaving Branch.  The course includes an evening theory session, following by a day session on the beach.

To register or for more information please contact Anthony at email

IRB Driver Course

The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to effectively drive and manage an Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) in surf rescue operations.

The courses are run periodically throughout the season.

To register your interest or for more information please contact Tim Coghlan at .

IRB Crew Course

The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to effectively crew an Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) in surf rescue operations.

The courses are run periodically throughout the season.

To register your interest or for more information please contact Tim Coghlan at .

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