mslsc rescue team

Join Merewether SLSC

There are many options available to get involved in the Merewether Surf Life Saving Club. These opportunities range from becoming a patrolling volunteer surf lifesaver, competing in Surf Sports events, assisting in various ways around the club to becoming a social member.

Membership Types and Fees

There are two areas of the club depending on the joining age of the new member.  Refer below for details of specific membership types.


Cadet Members aged 13 & 14 learn basic rescue skills and are awarded a Surf Rescue Certificate. Active Members aged 15 & over are instructed in their Bronze Medallion and must also complete a 400 metre pool swim in 9 minutes or less. Members must also perform an annual proficiency check after they obtain their Bronze Medallion.

Associate Members are those who wish to participate with the club but not necessarily involved with patrols. Members must be financial in order to patrol, compete or attend club activities.  This is a compulsory requirement which covers legal and insurance policies. Those wishing to compete must complete a minimum 25 patrol hours over a calendar year.

All membership enquires can be directed to the Registrar via email:

2023-2024 Fees*

As per MSLSC AGM 09/07/2023

Membership Type
Senior Active (Patrolling) & Cadet (SRC) Membership
*Senior Associate Membership (conditions apply)
Over 65yrs Associate Membership
*Late Membership Fee


Members aged 5 – 13 where and the emphasis is on having fun whilst learning about safety in the water and on the beach.  The Nippers program typically runs on Sunday morning over the summer period.

Refer to the Juniors/Nippers Information section of the MSLSC website for more information on this area of the club.

All Nipper enquiries can be directed to the Director of Nippers via email on

2023-2024 Fees*

As per MSLSC AGM 09/07/2023

Membership Type
Junior Membership – 1st Child
Junior Membership – per Additional Child
Junior Associate Parent Membership
Active Patrolling Member with Junior
$55 per child.
Family Membership
$205 (2 Children and 1 Junior Associate Parent Membership)
*Late Membership Fee

Joining Process

The simple steps in joining the club are listed below:

  1. Sign up to the SLSA Online Membership Portal following the instructions on the Portal. You can register for the upcoming season and pay your membership fee all via the Portal. Alternatively, follow the instructions on the website.
  2. In line with the updated WWCC Requirements – only those members who work with Children need to complete a WWCC.  Check here find out if you need a check as part of your role. 
  3. Complete your working with children check (if required) via the Office of Children’s Guardian.
  4. Once you receive your Working With Children check number via email, send an email to the Club Seniors Registrar- with the your name and the check number.
  5. Please Update your personal details. 
junior nippers trainers