Nippers Set-up and Pack-up

Nippers Set-Up & Pack-Up Roster & Information 2021/2022

Each week a group will be rostered on to help with set-up/pack-up/bbq duties. This will be co-ordinated by your Age Manager and you will give your nameĀ & details to them before leaving the beach on the week before you are down to help. Parent help is essential, and we appreciate and value your time (as we do ours – because we are all volunteers). We do this for our kids. Thank you in advance for showing your commitment!!!

Below is the information for Set-up & Pack-up forĀ all the areas U6/U7 and U8-U13. There is also a link to a printable version.

Nippers Beach Set-up & Pack-up Details

Beach Set-up
Before Nipper Starts
Beach Pack-up

Beach Set-up

  • Arrive at clubhouse by 8am
  • Meet at rear roll-a-door
  • Minimum 6 people plus Supervisor

At Clubhouse:

  1. Open Nippers store-room
  2. Set-up sign-in table
  3. Set out Age Manager Folders
  4. Set out bum-bags
  5. Set out sign-in and Beach Conditions book

Get out the following gear:

  1. Wiz bins x3
  2. Boards (U10-U13)
  3. Load boards and bins onto beach trailer
  4. Hitch to Rhino and take trailer onto the beach
  5. Beach Tent for Water Safety area (Red tent)

On the beach:

  1. Set-up muster area (Wiz Bin #1) with Age Group sign posts, baskets, Age Group banners
  2. Set-up Water Safety area with barriers (Wiz Bin #2)
  3. Set-up volleyball net
  4. Set-up tug-of-war rope (Wiz Bin #3)
  5. Set-up Beach Flag Area

Before Nipper Starts

Age Manager Meeting at 8:30 am

  1. Beach conditions
  2. Water safety instructions
  3. Any special conditions
  4. Age Group for pack-up this week, set-up for next week
  5. BBQ roster

PA Announcements at 8:50 am

  1. Beach conditions and special announcements
  2. Beach pack-up Age Group for today
  3. Beach set-up Age Group for next week
  4. BBQ Roster
  5. Fundraising announcements
  6. Upcoming events, etc.

Nipper Starts at 9:00 am

Beach Pack-up

Approximately 1/2 hour, less if more people help.

On the Beach

  1. Parents met with Age Manager Pack-up Supervisor
  2. Pack gear back into wiz-bins
  3. Pack-up volleyball net
  4. Pack-up water safety area
  5. Pack boards onto trailer
  6. Take trailer back to clubhouse with Rhino (authorised driver only).

At the Clubhouse

  1. Put wiz-bins back into store-room
  2. Unload boards and wash-down
  3. Stack boards back into store-room
  4. Pack-up Age Manager Folders and table
  5. Return Water Safety beach tent
  6. Return PA and plug into power point to recharge
  7. Lock up store-room

Beach Set-up Plan U6/U7

Beach setup plan U6:U7

Beach Set-up Notes

  1. Beach areas should be setup before Nipper starts, alternatively place the equipment in the different areas and setup when first used.
  2. U6/U& equipment is stored in a whiz-bin. Last Group to use equipment is to bring it back to the whiz-bin or clubhouse.
  3. Designated Water Areas are setup by the Water Safety Officer and Patrol, and will vary depending on beach conditions.
  4. Other areas can be moved depending on beach conditions.

Beach Set-up Plan U8-U13

u8-13 beack setup plan